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Teaching Physical Science, Physics, Chemistry or Earth Sciences? Advance Your Skills Through the 物理科学硕士 Program at BSU

Are you in search of the best 物理 graduate programs and physical science degree programs for educators? 不管你现在教的是物理科学, 物理, 初中或高中化学或地球科学专业, we can help you advance your education and gain a professional license through our Master of Arts in Physical Sciences programs at ladbrokes立博中文版.

180多年来, BSU has helped educators hone their skills to grow as teachers, 提高他们的内容知识,促进他们的职业发展.

Our graduate physical science teaching degree program is specifically designed for high-school and middle-school subject-area teachers. The program includes core educational courses on assessment and standards, stem特定的教学内容知识课程, and advanced STEM content courses so that program graduates meet the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education licensure requirements.

If this sounds like the next step in your career, our physical sciences master’s degree from our 物理、光子学与光学工程系 能帮你获得工具吗, theory and knowledge you need to take your teaching to the next level.


波士顿州立大学苏珊·萨维尔教授,穿着一件t恤,上面写着 &只要有足够的推力,猪就能飞得很好;" has an elementary student demonstrate a gadget that blows air on a roll of toilet paper and makes it unroll into the air


In the 物理科学硕士 program, you’ll learn from both science and education 教师. 你不仅会从他们的学术专长中受益, but you’ll also gain insights and inspiration from their years in the classroom.


Our physical science degree program for educators may be completed online, 在校园里或两者兼而有之. 以最适合你的方式完成你的硕士学位.
BSU Professor Thaya Paramanathan and 2 物理 students work in the Single Molecule Lab


If you choose to learn in person as you pursue a physical science degree for educators at BSU, you’ll learn and work inside cutting-edge labs in our $100 million Dana Mohler-Faria Science and Mathematics Center.


纵观我们的硕士课程, you’ll learn in classes with fewer than 10 graduate students — all of whom are middle- and high-school teachers. This will afford you more one-on-one time with your instructors and allow you to collaborate and connect with your fellow graduate students.


The best 物理 graduate programs and physical science programs for educators provide dynamic and inspiring learning environments — and BSU’s programs are no exception. Our 教师 will offer you a collegial and supportive atmosphere to help you meet your goals.


BSU provides financial aid for graduate students who are working toward their 物理 teaching degree or physical science degree for educators. 欲了解更多信息,请ladbrokes立博中文版我们的 研究生资助机会 page.


We know the best physical science graduate programs for educators will give you advanced teaching and leadership skills to reach diverse learners while helping you gain deeper knowledge of your discipline.

Should you pursue a top master’s in teaching physical science program at BSU, 你的课程可能包括化学, 地球科学与物理.


Click any link below to reveal each program's admission requirements and program description.

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Program details from 2023-2024 Undergraduate/Graduate Catalog

研究生项目协调员: Dr. 托马斯•克林

“Since I was coming out of my first full year teaching high school, I was also looking for a program that would ultimately produce material that I could actually use. 我通过我的科学课程发现了这一点.”

Careers for People with a Master's Degree in Physical Sciences

Our MA program for teaching physical science is geared toward educators who have an initial teaching license and are seeking to acquire a professional teaching license in Massachusetts.

BSU’s physical science program alone has trained more than 100 regional middle- and high-school teachers. BSU graduates in physical science have gone on to make contributions in secondary classrooms throughout Massachusetts and beyond.

Secondary school educators with master’s degrees can earn about


more than secondary school teachers with bachelor’s degrees alone, according to the U.S. 劳工统计局.


The College of 研究生学习 provides various opportunities for graduate students to receive funding while working towards their degrees. Appointments are competitive and are determined by undergraduate and/or graduate grade point averages, 相关的经验, 教育准备和面试. For information on assistantships, fellowships and conference funding awards, please visit our 研究生资助机会页面.

The Master of Arts in Physical Sciences is eligible for unsubsidized student loans and applicants are encouraged to complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid. 有关更具体的问题,请ladbrokes立博中文版 资助办事处网站 或直接与他们联系


View this PDF for an overview of the College of 研究生学习.


Bridgewater offers competitive tuition and fees for graduate students both in and out of state.


View our graduate events page to RSVP to information sessions, workshops and seminars.


Create an account to start your application to a graduate program today!